Sold Vehicle: This vehicle is sold or otherwise unavailable and the listing will be removed shortly, but we would be more than happy to help you find another vehicle just like it. To get started, take a look at the similar vehicles displayed below, go back to Used - Used Inventory, or simply contact us using the buttons below to let us know what you are looking for and we'll work hard to find the right vehicle to fit your needs.
* Note: Displayed prices do not include a $697 documentation; finance deals are subject to a $499 finance placement fee or optional $695 prep (includes starter package, sealtech, 12v battery, full propane, demo and assistance in hooking up for the first time) or applicable taxes. The photo displayed may be an example only. Please see the dealer for details. See the unit/build sheet for complete accuracy of features, options and pricing. Due to the numerous possible combinations of models, styles, colours and options, the pictures on this site may not match exactly; however, they will match as closely as possible. Some images shown are stock photos and may not reflect the exact unit, color, trim and specification. All units have had mouse shield undercoating applied, starting at $1,295. The dealer is not responsible for pricing or typographical errors. DL#40331